

Lang Ⓣ

A bookmarklet is a small piece of (JavaScript) code that is run in the context of the currently visible web page. It comes as a bookmark that you typically add to your browser bookmarks for being able to run it repeatedly. In order to install this bookmarklet, please drag the link above to your browser bookmarks and call it from there. You can also click on the link to run the bookmarklet on this very page.

Purpose & Notes

The purpose of this bookmarklet is to identify the presence of a document language setting as well as language settings for individual sections / phrases / words. Shadow DOMs are examined recursively.

The results are displayed visually on the page:

Click on any of the info bubbles to log the associated element to the DevTools console.

Test bed

This paragraph contains a single German word — Augenweide — as well as a French quote:

La peur est mauvaise conseillère.